Installation Guide

Downloading Git-Tool

We publish the latest Git-Tool releases on GitHubopen in new window for all of our supported platforms. Head on over and download the executable for your platform.


  • Windows users on 64-bit platforms should download git-tool-windows-amd64.exe.
  • Linux users on x86_64 platforms should download git-tool-linux-amd64 while those on ARM64 platforms should download git-tool-linux-arm64.
  • MacOS users on Intel platforms should download git-tool-darwin-amd64 while those on Apple Silicon should download git-tool-darwin-arm64.

Once you have downloaded the latest Git-Tool executable, rename it to git-tool and place it in a directory which is on your $PATH.


On Linux and MacOS machines, you may need to use chmod +x git-tool to mark the program as executable.

Using Cargo

If you'd prefer, or if we don't (yet) provide pre-built releases for your platform, you can build Git-Tool yourself using cargo. Note that you'll need to have rust installedopen in new window for this to work.


Git-Tool depends on libdbus to integrate with the Keychain on common Linux distros. If you do not have a system keychain, or cannot get a version of libdbus and libdbus-dev for your platform, you can build Git-Tool with --no-default-features to disable keychain support.

With keychain support disabled, the gt auth command will no longer be available and the create_remote feature will be disabled.

cargo install --git
# Install libdbus-1-3 and libdbus-1-dev
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libdbus-1-dev libdbus-1-3
cargo install --git
# If your platform doesn't support dbus or the Linux Keychain, you can disable the auth feature
cargo install --git --no-default-features
cargo install --git

Using Nix

If you're running on NixOSopen in new window or are using the Nix package manager on your system, you can install Git-Tool using the experimental Nix flake at github:SierraSoftworks/git-tool. This flake builds the latest main branch branch release and will contain the latest security fixes and features.

nix profile install github:SierraSoftworks/git-tool

Setting up your PATH


Don't put your download folder on your $PATH - it's probably not a good idea from a security perspective. Instead, find a different directory to store git-tool in, I personally use a dedicated Programs folder which is used for exactly these kinds of tools.


To add or modify environment variables on Windows, you can press Win+Pause and then choose Advanced System SettingsEnvironment Variables. This will open the Environment Variables editor.

There are two changes you'll want to make:

  1. Find the Path environment variable and edit it, adding the directory you saved Git-Tool into as the bottom of this list.
  2. Add a new environment variable called GITTOOL_CONFIG and set it to %USERPROFILE%\git-tool.yml (or another location if you'd prefer).

When you're done, save your changes by clicking on Ok.


The easiest way to modify your PATH on Linux is to open up your ~/.profile file and add the following (fill in the path to the directory you placed git-tool into earlier):

# ~/.profile

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/apps" # Add ~/apps to your path
export GITTOOL_CONFIG="$HOME/.config/git-tool.yml" # Set ~/.config/git-tool.yml as your config


The easiest way to ensure that a program is on your path in MacOS is to simply drag and drop it into your Applications folder. To setup the GITTOOL_CONFIG path, open up your .bash_profile file using vi ~/.bash_profile and add the following.

# ~/.bash_profile

# If you prefer to keep git-tool in a different folder, you can update your PATH
# export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/apps"

export GITTOOL_CONFIG="$HOME/Library/Preferences/git-tool.yml"

Checkpoint #1

You should now be able to run git-tool --version and see something similar to the following appear in your terminal.

Git-Tool v2.2.0


If you instead get an error saying that git-tool could not be found, that means that it is either not on your path or not marked as executable. First try restarting your terminal to make sure you've got the latest $PATH loaded and if that doesn't help, head on back to the Setting up your PATH section and check that you haven't missed anything.


For users on MacOS, you might see a warning appear saying that the application cannot be run because Apple cannot verify the safety of its code. This can be solved by opening up System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General and choosing to allow git-tool to be run.

Setup your Config

Now that you can run Git-Tool, the next step is to configure it. If you've followed the steps up to now, you will have a $GITTOOL_CONFIG environment variable set. That means we can quickly open up your favourite editor and start getting things configured.

notepad $env:GITTOOL_CONFIG

Drop in the following starter configuration and change the directory to point wherever you'd like to keep your repositories.

directory: "C:\\dev" # CHANGE ME
  - domain: gh
    website: "{{ .Repo.FullName }}"
    gitUrl: "{{ .Repo.FullName }}.git"
    pattern: "*/*"
      kind: GitHub/v3
  - name: shell
    command: powershell

  #  Set this to false if you don't want to send crash information to us
  telemetry: true

Checkpoint #2

Now that you've got your config added, let's make sure that git-tool can find it. Run the following command and make sure that it prints out the same config you just saved.

git-tool config


If the config doesn't look like the one you just added, that means Git-Tool couldn't find it. Make sure that you have configured the $GITTOOL_CONFIG environment variable to match the path to the file and that it is readable.

Setting up your Shell

The last step in setting up Git-Tool is to configure your shell to support autocompletion and add the gt alias.


To get the most out of Git-Tool (including adding the gt alias), you'll need to make changes to your PowerShell profile, which is run whenever you start a new command prompt.

In an existing PowerShell terminal, open your profile file for modification using notepad $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts or vi $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts and add the following to it:

# Open this file with:
# notepad $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts

# This adds an alias for Git-Tool so you can simply type "gt"
New-Alias -Name gt -Value git-tool

# This sets up autocomplete support for git-tool and "gt"
Invoke-Expression (&git-tool shell-init powershell)


To get the most out of Git-Tool (including adding the gt alias), you'll need to make changes to your bash profile, which is run whenever you start a new terminal session.

# ~/.bashrc

alias gt="git-tool"
eval "$(git-tool shell-init bash)"


To get the most out of Git-Tool (including adding the gt alias), you'll need to make changes to your zsh profile, which is run whenever you start a new terminal session.

# ~/.zshrc
alias gt="git-tool"
eval "$(git-tool shell-init zsh)"


To get the most out of Git-Tool (including adding the gt alias), you'll need to make changes to your fish config, which is run whenever you start a new terminal session.

# ~/
alias gt="git-tool"
complete -f -c git-tool -a "(git-tool complete)"

Checkpoint #3

You should now be fully set up. Restart your terminal to load the newest version of your profile and try running gt --version, you should see something similar to this appear. If you do, Congratulations, you're all set up! 🚀

Git-Tool v2.2.0