update v1.4+
We like to think that we're pretty good at updating Git-Tool to ensure that it is using the latest stable libraries and includes all the best features. Of course, that also means some pretty regular releases (usually once every week or two) and for a command line application, that can mean that things get outdated pretty quickly.
To help with that, we added the gt update
command which will automatically download the latest version of Git-Tool for your operating system (if we support it in our release builds).
We use an three-phase update strategy for
Git-Tool and, as a result, we can't update it if other instances are currently running. To make sure the update completes successfully, close down all running instances of Git-Tool (including shells it has launched) before updating. :::
# Update to the latest available release for your OS
gt update
# Update to a specific release version
gt update v2.2.0
shell-init v1.5+
The gt shell-init
command is part of the magic that provides cross-platform autocomplete suggestions and lets us upgrade our infrastructure for that automatically.
It is responsible for generating a runnable shell command which initializes everything needed by Git-Tool for your environment.
Take a look at the shell setup guide for
detailed instructions on setting up your shell environment to get the most out of Git-Tool. :::
:::: code-group ::: code-group-item PowerShell
# $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
Invoke-Expression (&git-tool shell-init powershell)
::: code-group-item bash
# ~/.bashrc
eval "$(git-tool shell-init bash)"
::: code-group-item zsh
# ~/.zshrc
eval "$(git-tool shell-init zsh)"
::: code-group-item fish
# ~/
complete -f -c git-tool -a "(git-tool complete)"
::: ::::
complete v1.2+ internal
The gt complete
command is part of the internal autocomplete plumbing used by Git-Tool. It is a flagrant copy of the dotnet CLI autocomplete interface and accepts a combination of the current command input and the position of the cursor (if provided) to generate suggestions.
This command is part of Git-Tool's internal API and may change
without notice and without a major version bump. Please avoid depending on its semantics and instead use gt shell-init
to configure your environment. :::
allows a shell which supports this parameter to provide information about the current cursor position to improve autocomplete suggestion quality.
gt complete "gt o git-too"